Motivational speeches about leadership, crisis management and the fundamentals of flight.

Speaking Engagements


The transition from aviation to oration was not a premeditated one. Following his part in the successful landing of the 2010 QF32 disaster, Captain Evans was invited to deliver a presentation in front of Air France and their La Trajectoire program about his experience, and the lessons to be learnt from the exemplary handling of the crisis by all on board. It would be a new challenge to say the least but - after some coaching from his sons’ speech and drama tutor - he took the leap and made the speech. It was a resounding success, and he hasn’t looked back.

Over the past decade this initial presentation has changed and developed with each new audience, growing into a fully realised lecture. He covers teamwork, workload management, communication and decision making, amongst other topics, and provides value not only to those within the aviation sector, but to groups of all sizes, vocational backgrounds and demographics.

Read more in David’s own words here.

Captain David Evans Motivational Talk

Captain Evans is based in Brisbane, Australia but is available for engagements internationally.

His talks are appropriate for all audiences, and have been enjoyed by the medical community, transport industry and education sectors alike, along with members of the aviation industry and military. Each presentation’s subject matter and length is tailored to the needs of its audience.

Past engagements include: Great Ormond Street Hospital; British Medical Journal Conference; Royal Aeronautical Society; Cranfield University; Sydney Trains; Guild of Air Pilots and Navigators (GAPAN); Honorable Company of Air Pilots; RAAF; George Western Foods (GWF); Pilotage and Port Logistics; Safe Skies; Railway Safety Council Conference.

Captain Evans also acted as M.C at the Aerospace Gateway Schools’ annual awards.


Commonly Covered Subject Matter & Areas of Expertise

Captain David Evans Presentation
  • Crisis Management & the Startle Effect

    • Strategies for navigating high-stress, threatening or fear-inducing situations

    • How to recover from the “Amygdala Hijack” triggered by a startle event

  • Human Factors

    • Decision Making

    • Communication

    • Situation Awareness

    • Teamwork

    • Leadership & Management

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

    • The basics of all flying. Widespread knowledge of SOPs allows individuals who may not have previously met to come together and immediately operate as an effective team.

  • Just Culture

    • Effectively a self-reporting culture that identifies errors or slips that other crew can learn from, thus avoiding repetition. Has the added advantage of identifying errors in the SOPs.

    • Promotes accountability; encourages self-reporting and protects the reporter from punitive action. However, doesn’t protect the blatant rule breaker. Not a “no blame” culture.

  • Fear of Flying

    • Statistics of Flying

    • Fundamentals of Flight

    • Pilots, Planning and Flight Safety

    • Weather and Turbulence

    • The Media and Common Questions.

      • Further information specific to this topic can be found below.


Although the basic touch-points covered generally consist of a mix of the above, each presentation is tailored to meet the event’s unique requests and requirements.

 Get In Touch


Fear of Flying

In addition to his motivational talks, Captain Evans also works to educate and assist those who struggle with a fear of flying, whether it be a minor anxiety or a debilitating phobia. With experience in both aviation and public speech, as well as a thorough knowledge of human factors and statistics, he is uniquely placed to assuage fears, educate and offer solutions and coping techniques. Captain Evans offers this program in association with psychologists and Flight Experience™.

Among the experiences that have helped to shape Captain Evans’s career, and which contribute to the basis of many of his talks, is the infamous QF32 disaster. To read more about his part in safely navigating one of the most serious in-air emergencies in modern aviation, along with an account of his trip to salvage a heritage airliner from the deserts of Kuwait, follow the link below.

Other Areas of Interest